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Econometric Analysis of Panel Data


Provides up-to-date coverage of panel data analysis


Includes several applications in economics, illustrated with Stata and EViews,

highlighting the content’s practical value


Covers important topics in panel data analysis, e.g. dynamic panels,

nonstationary panels, limited dependent variables and spatial panel data


This textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to panel data econometrics, an area that has enjoyed considerable growth over the last two decades. Micro and Macro panels are becoming increasingly available, and methods for dealing with these types of data are in high demand among practitioners. Software programs have fostered this growth, including freely available programs in R and numerous user-written programs in both Stata and EViews.  Written by one of the world’s leading researchers and authors in the field, Econometric Analysis of Panel Data has established itself as the leading textbook for graduate and postgraduate courses on panel data. It provides up-to-date coverage of basic panel data techniques, illustrated with real economic applications and datasets, which are available at the book’s website on


This new sixth edition has been fully revised and updated, and includes new material on

dynamic panels, limited dependent variables and nonstationary panels, as well as spatial panel data. The author also provides empirical illustrations and examples using Stata and EViews.  “This is a definitive book written by one of the architects of modern, panel data econometrics.  It provides both a practical introduction to the subject matter, as well as a thorough discussion of the underlying statistical principles without taxing the reader too greatly." Professor Kajal Lahiri, State University of New York, Albany, USA. "This book is the most comprehensive work available on panel data. It is written by one of the leading contributors to the field, and is notable for its encyclopaedic coverage and its clarity of exposition. It is useful to theorists andto people doing applied work using panel data.



Series Title:  Springer Texts in Business and Economics

Copyright :  2021

Publisher:  Springer International Publishing


eBook ISBN:  978-3-030-53953-5

DOI:  10.1007/978-3-030-53953-5

Hardcover ISBN:  978-3-030-53952-8

Series ISSN:  2192-4333


Edition Number:  6

Number of Pages:  XX, 424

Number of Illustrations:  68 b/w illustrations



A Companion to Econometric Analysis of Panel Data. "The book guides the student of panel data econometrics by solving exercises in a logical and pedagogical manner, helping the reader understand, learn and apply panel data methods..."  


A Companion to Econometric Analysis of Panel Data will appeal to students and researchers learning about panel data with Baltagi’s Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, 4th Edition and other graduate-level econometrics texts. Companion includes derivations of results shown without proof in Baltagi’s textbook and provides more numerical examples, most of which were completed using Stata.


Working through Companion is like having a personal tutor help you work through a graduate text like Baltagi’s. The organization of material in Companion parallels that of Baltagi’s panel-data text but presents the material in a pedagogical manner consisting of some background material followed by many sample exercise questions and complete solutions. While one may at first frown at the idea of a book including solutions to exercises, this text delivers them in a way that truly motivates learning rather than mere copying: the questions are sufficiently involved that by seeing how to solve them, students develop a method to attack mathematical proofs and think like an econometrician.


Baltagi’s A Companion to Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, while focused on panel data, is more generally useful to all students of econometrics, because it teaches and instills tools that are applicable to an array of problems."




Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, Badi H. Baltagi, Springer International Publishing, (6th Edition, 2021);


John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 1995, (2nd Edition, 2001), (3rd edition, 2005), (4th edition, 2008), (5th edition, 2013).  (More than 19,000 citations by Google Scholar).


Econometrics, Badi H. Baltagi, 5th edition, Springer, Berlin, 2011, (1st edition, 1998),(2nd edition, 1999), (3rd edition, 2002), (4th edition, 2008).


Solutions  Manual for Econometrics, Badi H. Baltagi, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998, (2nd edition, 2009), (3rd  edition, 2014).  (data sets on the web at


A Companion to Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, Badi H. Baltagi, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 2009. (156 citations by Google Scholar).


Instructor’s Solutions Manual for Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, Badi H. Baltagi, John Wiley and Sons,  Chichester, 1995. (2nd edition, 2001), (3rd edition, 2005) on the web at



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